Monday 12 December 2011

What is Curcuma Longa(Turmeric) extract

[Properties]: Curcuma LongaTurmeric) extract is irregular oval, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, often curved, some with short forked branches, surface deep yellow, rough, wrinkled texture and obvious links, and a circular branch marks and fibrous scar. Quality solid, easy to break, section brown to golden yellow, horn-like, wax-like luster, ring pattern evident in the cortex, vascular spots was scattered. It has specific smell, bitter, acrid.
Pharmacological effects:
1. Lipid-lowering effect
2 .anti-tumor effect
3 anti-inflammatory effects
4 .Phytopathogenic microorganisms
5 .the effects on the cardiovascular system
6. Choleretic effect
7 .The role of termination of pregnancy
8. Antioxidant
9 .the role of light effect

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